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Text File | 1996-04-09 | 20.5 KB | 436 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Last updated 19-March-96
- Welcome to the University of Michigan's Macintosh Public Domain and
- Shareware Archive!
- This file has been created to give you an introduction to the
- archive and to answer some frequently asked questions that might
- be brewing in your head at this point...
- WHO:
- There are nine (9) archivists for the archive.
- Michael Dautermann (myke@umich.edu)
- Jonathan Brecher (brecher@mac.archive.umich.edu)
- Suzi Nassen Stefl (stf@umich.edu)
- Scott Damask (sdamask@umich.edu)
- Howard Levine (hlevine@us.itd.umich.edu)
- Peter Swanson (pjswan@engin.umich.edu)
- Jay Hennessey (henn@mac.archive.umich.edu)
- Chris Thomas (macdude@mac.archive.umich.edu)
- Garland Tillery (tillery@mac.archive.umich.edu)
- as well as three dudes, who were original archivists
- and still serve as guidance-givers:
- Robert Churchill (rjc@umich.edu)
- Mike Kuniavsky (mikek@umich.edu)
- Dave Koziol (koziol@umich.edu)
- If you have questions about any files or regarding the archive, you
- can send them to us at "questions@mac.archive.umich.edu".
- Collectively, you can send a message to "comments@mac.archive.umich.edu"
- and that message will reach all of us (the first person to retrieve
- the message will most likely answer any question or suggestion first..)
- The archive is running under a BSD Unix environment using the AFS network
- which holds the actual archive files.
- All folks at the University of Michigan, as well as out on
- the Internet, are encouraged to participate in discussions in
- our newsgroup "umich.archives". It's relatively quiet there,
- but one post usually can start an avalanche of conversation.
- ALL users with access to anonymous FTP facilities are encouraged to use
- mac.archive day or night, but we'd prefer if you called during off-peak
- hours if at all possible. At this time, there are no restrictions on the
- number of simultaneous FTP sessions, so you shouldn't have any problems
- getting on. If you have AFS access, you can bypass ftp and help our
- ftp machine out by creating a symbolic link to our archives in your
- AFS home directory (we're in /afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac).
- For more information about AFS, please consult the file /doYOUhaveAFS
- 1) What is the mac.bin directory all about?
- This directory applies ONLY to users at the University of Michigan.
- This is the "natural" version of the archive (all files are unstuffed
- and unhexed) that can be "mounted" as an AppleShare volume onto the
- Macintosh desktop. Unfortunately, ftp users can't use this directory
- at all.
- If you'd like to access our mac.bin directory, the solution is to
- install AFS client software >AND< "netatalk" software into a Unix machine.
- Netatalk is a program that you can install on a Sun 3 or 4, Dec Station or VAX,
- and IBM RT or RS6K's. It allows Macintosh computers access to the Unix
- directories and file systems. To the end user, it looks and acts like an
- AppleShare file server. The source is freely available from
- "terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu" in the "/unix/netatalk" directory.
- For information, check out the info at "http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/netatalk".
- AFS (which is also referred to as Andrew File System) connects universities
- and research sites around the world together. The mac.archive files are
- kept on an AFS server, and Unix machines running the client software can
- "cd" (change directory) into the directory holding the archive files
- directly (i.e. bypassing ftp). To the typical user, it's as if mac.archive
- was on your local machine.
- If you'd like more information on the AFS network and technology and its
- advantages, you can send e-mail to "afs-sales@transarc.com" or phone them
- up at 1-412-338-4400.
- 2) What are the .AppleDouble files?
- Referring back to the last question, these are the Unix equivalent of
- desktop information of a mac.bin file and are appropriate only for use
- when using the archive at the U-Michigan. FTP folks should ignore these.
- 3) What do .cpt, .sea, .sit, and .hqx mean?
- These filename extensions are tacked on to help you figure out the
- utilities that you will need to get the finished software. All of our
- files have been converted from binary to ascii/text format using
- BinHex 4.0 format. A MacBinary copy is available in our 00help directory
- for you to transfer as binhex4.0.bin. Be SURE to transfer this file with
- BINARY or IMAGE mode (or MacBinary mode if using a terminal program or
- FTP client that supports it). If you already have a working copy of StuffIt,
- Stuffit Expander, or Compact Pro, DO NOT BOTHER downloading BinHex 4.0.
- Stuffit and Compact Pro both can encode and decode BinHexed files. Each
- of these programs (Stuffit, Compact Pro, Stuffit Expander) does a better
- job of it than the original BinHex 4.0.
- Files and directories are compressed into smaller, easy to manipulate
- "archives" using one of the popular compression utilities. Files that have
- the .sit extension have been compressed with Stuffit. .cpt extensions
- denote Compact Pro files. Archiving programs and utilities are available
- in the "util/compression" directory.
- To make things difficult, the extension .sit can refer to any of three
- completely different compression schemes: StuffIt 1.5, StuffIt 2.0, and
- StuffIt 3.0. StuffIt 1.5.1 (the "Classic" StuffIt) will decode *only* the
- first of these formats. If you are having problems, please consult the index
- and make sure you are using a program that will decode the compression format
- you have.
- Another extension you will see is .sea (Self-Extracting Archive). This
- type of file is a double-clickable application that will automatically
- uncompress itself when launched. The advantage is that you don't need a
- utility or decompressor to use it, but it can aid in virus transmission,
- so we convert submitted .sea files to their regular archive format (.sit,
- for example). We use .sea files only in special circumstances, such as an
- actual archiving program or installer. After all, compactpro1.33.cpt.hqx
- would not do you much good since you couldn't unmangle the unmangler.
- On very rare occasion, you may run across a .pit (PackIt) file. These
- archives were pioneers in Macintosh file compression and archiving, but
- today they're completely obsolete. StuffIt 1.5.1 and PackIt 3.0 will both
- uncompress .pit files, but PackIt is no longer supported, so it's unlikely
- that you'll see one. You WON'T find one lurking around on mac.archive.
- (StuffIt and Compact Pro are, as are most of the files on mac.archive,
- SHAREWARE! Remember to pay your shareware fees to support the development
- of these fantastic programs and utilities.)
- It goes like this:
- If you have a file called
- foo.sit.hqx
- Then what you do is start from the right side of the name and work your way
- left. In other words, you want to get the file "foo". On the right you
- see the suffix ".hqx", so you know that you have an ASCII-encoded BinHex
- format file. The first thing you need to do is get it into a binary file
- for further processing, so you can fire up your favorite archiving program
- (StuffIt or Compact Pro) and unbinhex it.
- The "textbook" method of handling files tells you to use the BinHex 4.0
- application to unbinhex files, but since the archiving apps in use today
- include the ability to encode/decode binhex files, BinHex 4.0 is unnecessary,
- but you will need it to unbinhex the actual archiving programs! <Catch-22>
- There is a MacBinary copy as 00help/binhex4.0.bin. When FTP'd to your local host
- in binary mode and transferred to your Macintosh in MacBinary mode, this file
- will be ready to use.
- For Self-Extracting Archives, all you need to do is double click on the
- file, and it will extract itself. So if you have a file named
- bar.sea.hqx
- You would first unbinhex it, and then double click on the file to extract
- it.
- 4) What about .Z?
- As .hqx is the standard suffix for BinHexed files, .Z is the standard suffix
- for files encoded with the UNIX program "compress". The only files that we
- store in this format are files that require UNIX systems to run. However,
- we are aware of some mirrors of our archive that store copies of *all* of our
- files in this format. We think this is a really silly thing to do for many
- reasons, not the least of which being that it defeats the purpose of the
- BinHex encoding. Still, we have little control over our mirror sites: we are
- offering our files for free distribution, after all.
- To decode a file inding in .Z, you must get it in BINARY mode during your
- ftp session. If you transfer it to a UNIX host, the command "uncompress
- filename.Z" will usually produce a straight BinHex. If for some reason this
- is not possible or doesn't work, the program MacCompress
- (/mac/util/compression/maccompress3.2.hqx) will decode this format on your
- Macintosh.
- 5) What about .gz?
- This is very similar to .Z, except the files were encoded with the UNIX
- program gzip. All of our above comments regarding .Z files hold here, too.
- A Macintosh-based gzip extractor is available at mac.archive.umich.edu as
- /mac/util/compression/macgzip0.0b.cpt.hqx
- 6) What does mac.archive.umich.edu do to protect us from viruses?
- Unlike other Internet "Mac" archives, we test each and every one of the
- files that appears in our "incoming" directory and in our mailboxes addressed
- to mac.archive. We use the most-up-to-date virus detection inits and control
- panels (Disinfectant, Gatekeeper, etc.) to insure that the files that are
- added to the archive are not carrying anything that can harm your Macintosh
- and your/our work. We also make these public domain/shareware
- virus detection packages available to you as fast as we receive them in
- our "util/virus" directory.
- 1) Where to find the index and abstract (description) files
- Work continues on the index files -- here are the latest versions. The
- index files are modified every time new files are added to the archive.
- Index info can be found in these files in the 00help directory:
- allfiles.txt (446K) a list of all files in the Mac archives
- index.txt (1322K) complete list of all files with sizes, compression
- schemes, and detailed descriptions for each
- index.tab (1171K) a tab-delimited version of index.txt suitable for
- importing onto the database of your choice
- newfiles.txt (10K) list of files added in the last two weeks
- 2) Where are closer "mirrors" that I can ftp to?
- Mirrors are anonymous ftp sites in other locations around the Internet
- that run special scripts to keep up-to-date copies of everything that
- can be found in mac.archive.umich.edu. It is sometimes more efficient (and
- faster) to ftp to these sites instead of directly to mac.archive.
- We are aware of thirty-six (36) official mirrors currently.
- == Asia
- Hong Kong: ftp.hk.super.net:/mirror/mac
- Japan: ftp.ims.ac.jp:/pub/mac/umich
- Japan: ftp.crl.go.jp:/pub/mac/umich
- Japan: ftp.inter.spin.ad.jp:pub/Mac/Merit.mirror
- Japan: ftp.riken.go.jp:/pub/mac/umich
- Japan: ftp.eos.hokudai.ac.jp:/pub/mac/umich
- Taiwan: nctuccca.edu.tw:/Macintosh/umich-mac
- Taiwan: ftp.ccu.edu.tw:/pub/mac
- == Australia
- Canberra: sunsite.anu.edu.au:/pub/mac/umich
- Melbourne: ftp.bf.rmit.edu.au:/pub/mac/umich
- Mulgrave: ftp.bhp.com.au:/mac/mirrors/umich
- Sydney: gatekeeper.digital.com.au:/pub/mac/umich
- == Europe
- England: src.doc.ic.ac.uk:computing/systems/mac
- France: ftp.loria.fr:/pub/mac/umich
- France: ftp.planete.net:/pub/mac/umich
- Germany: ftp.uni-paderborn.de:/Mirrors/mac.archive.umich.edu
- Germany:
- info2.rus.uni-stuttgart.de:/afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac
- Germany: ftp.uni-regensburg.de:/pub/comp/os/macos
- Greece: ftp.forthnet.gr:/pub/mac
- Italy: ftp.unina.it:/pub/mac/umich
- Italy: umich-mirror.fis.utovrm.it
- Note: Some of the filenames are changed (top level) to fit VMS constraints.
- Sweden: ftp.luth.se:/pub/mac/mirror.umich
- Sweden: ftp.sunet.se:/pub/mac/umich (*1)
- Switzerland: nic.switch.ch:mirror/umich-mac
- Turkey: ftp.bups.bilkent.edu.tr:/pub/umich-mirror
- == Middle East
- Israel: ftp.technion.ac.il:pub/unsupported/mac/umich
- == North America
- Arizona: ftp.amug.org:/pub/mirrors/umich
- California: mirror.apple.com:/mirrors/mac.archive.umich.edu
- California: ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/mac/umich
- Illinois: uiarchive.cso.uiuc.edu:/pub/systems/mac/umich
- Missouri: wuarchive.wustl.edu:systems/mac/umich.edu
- Oregon: ftp.orst.edu:/pub/mirrors/archive.umich.edu
- Quebec: ftp.synapse.net:/mirrors/mac.archive.umich.edu
- Utah: ftp.pht.com:/pub/mac/umich
- Virginia: mirrors.aol.com:/pub/mac
- Wisconsin: ftp.uwec.edu:/pub/mirrors/mac.umich
- (*1) - this site in Sweeden also has FSP, Gopher and WWW access
- through http://ftp.sunet.se.
- If you have lots of extra disk space and some cpu to spare, think about
- setting up your machine as a mac.archive.umich.edu mirror. Send a message
- to "mike@mac.archive.umich.edu" for exclusive details.
- 3) Where are WWW Interfaces for mac.archive?
- We have a World Wide Web Interface installed at
- "http://www-personal.umich.edu/~sdamask/umich-mirrors" and the archive is
- also directly available through "http://www.umich.edu/~archive/mac". We will
- also have a server at "http://www.archive.umich.edu" but it's not
- yet available so stay tuned for more on that.
- Other folks have also put together WWW gateways to
- the archive. One of the more cool interfaces we've seen is available
- at "http://ubu.hahnemann.edu/UBUdex/UBUdex.html". Andrew Brennan
- (brennan@hal.hahnemann.edu) created routines and scripts to parse
- our massive index into a easily readable format separated by
- directory and connected to our archives via Gopher links.
- A UK interface was done by Martijn Koster (koster@nexor.co.uk)
- at "http://web.nexor.co.uk/mac-archive/mac-archive.html", and a third
- is run by Baron Chandler (baron@cristofori.msc.wku.edu) at
- "http://www.msc.wku.edu/Dept/Support/Tech/MSC/Macintosh/search_umich.html".
- There is also a searchable http interface for the archives
- at "http://www.fagg.uni-lj.si/cgi-bin/shase/About/mac-umi".
- WHY:
- 1) Can't users retrieve files from the incoming directory?
- Generally, we try to have the files refiled and tested (to see if they
- work and screened for viruses) within 2 or so days. FTP users can
- see the files in the incoming directory; they can also put new
- files into this directory (and they're encouraged to.. see below), but
- they can't retrieve anything. Be patient, if you see it there, it'll
- probably reappear in it's proper place in 48 hours.
- 2) Does BinHex 4.0 give me error messages after I have downloaded it
- according to the instructions above?
- If you are getting the error messages "System Error -39", "System Error -199"
- or BinHex 4.0 "cannot be opened because app that created it cannot be found",
- then you have NOT downloaded it according to the instructions above, whether
- or not you think that you have. Remember: MacBinary transfer in the final
- step to get the program to your Macintosh, Binary transfer every other step
- along the way.
- 3) Don't the files unbinhex correctly?
- This problem creeps up on us every now and then. The cause can be blamed
- on several things (garbled mail, incomplete transfers, bad nullines, etc.),
- but since programs like StuffIt and Compact Pro are used by droves of
- Mac faithfuls daily, it is safe to assume that these applications are doing
- their job properly, so if a file won't unbinhex, it's a good bet that it's
- been corrupted. If you run into such a file in our archives, PLEASE drop us
- a line at comments@mac.archive.umich.edu and we'll take care of it, and drop
- you a line when the problem is solved. However, don't mail us without
- trying to de-binhex a file with either StuffIt or Compact Pro. There
- are several programs, including at least one auto-de-binhexer, that choke
- on legitimately binhexed files. Ironically, there are many files that even
- BinHex 4.0 can't de-binhex. Neither Compact Pro nor StuffIt have this
- problem. When you download BinHex 4.0, you should immediately download either
- StuffIt or Compact Pro, decode it, and trash BinHex 4.0 (Really...).
- If you cannot download files directly to a Macintosh but you instead must
- transfer them through another computer (such as an IBM compatible, for
- example), you're stuck. You need to bootstrap yourself, and there is *no*
- simple way to do this. Once you get a working copy of BinHex 4.0 (or Compact
- Pro, or StuffIt) installed on your Mac, you're all set, but there are *only*
- two ways to do this: download it directly to your Mac or get a copy on
- disk from a friend. It is impossible to get a working copy of BinHex 4.0
- (or Compact Pro, or StuffIt, or any related program) from an IBM compatible
- without having one of those programs present on your Mac FIRST.
- Also, remember that BinHex files are pure TEXT, so they must be transferred
- in ASCII or TEXT mode at all times. Transfers in BINARY or IMAGE mode will
- more often than not just corrupt the file.
- 4) Can't I get into the umichlicensed directory?
- In this special directory we keep University of Michigan site licensed
- software, such as MacX or Maple. This is software available only to
- U-M affiliated people and as such, we can't allow anonymous access to
- these files.
- If you are a U-M student or staff member and have a "umich.edu"
- uniqname (e.g. my uniqname is "myke"), you shouldn't use the
- mac.archive.umich.edu anonymous ftp sites for your file transfers, but
- instead use machines that allow authentication, such as the ITD Unix
- Login service (e.g. "login.itd.umich.edu"). You can ftp there with
- your uniqname and kerberos password, cd into
- "/afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac" and retrieve files from all
- the mac.archive directories, including the umichlicensed directory.
- This same philosophy applies to the mac.bin directory, you need to
- have "/afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac.bin" added to your
- AppleVolumes file. You can then authenticate to the IFS/AFS servers and
- access the materials in the UmichLicensed folder.
- 5) Can't I Gopher files from UM's GopherBLUE?
- Users who attempt to transfer files through UM's GopherBLUE service
- will get a "can't transfer in secure mode" error. The reason
- for this is that the server doesn't know what kind of machine and
- method to use to get the files to you. Obtain an UNIX account
- and use that machine's Gopher client to hook up to
- "gopher.archive.umich.edu" and transfers should go smoothly.
- HOW:
- 1) Can users upload files?
- Of course! Please do! The best (fastest) way to get files to our archive
- is to ftp-put them into the incoming directory, then e-mail
- "questions@mac.archive.umich.edu" and let us know that you've submitted a
- file. This way we'll know there's things to be done, and also know who to
- contact if the files don't work "as advertised."
- You can also e-mail files to mac.archive (and many other international
- mac archive sites) by sending your binhexed/compressed files to
- "macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu". There is no need to send a confirming
- message to "questions", nor will you receive a confirmation back
- (it's just a mail-exploding alias). It's a good idea to put some type
- of explanatory blurb, or introduction, before the BinHex file in the
- message you send to "macgifts".
- A more detailed description of our submissions policies can be found as
- /mac/00help/submissions.txt
- 2) Can users retrieve files by mail?
- We have our own mail-server named BART. Send BART a message at
- mac@mac.archive.umich.edu with any subject and the single word 'help'
- (no quotes) in the body of the message for complete instructions.
- 3) Can users access the archives without using ftp?
- Certainly! In addition to BART and afs access, we have a gopher server at
- gopher.archive.umich.edu. You will need MacTCP and /mac/util/comm/turbogopher.
- The above mentioned mirrors are usually current within a day, too.
- 4) Can users get on the groovy recent-files & news mailing list?
- This is the very same list of new files and information that is
- mailed out, somewhat irregularly (around every two weeks or so), to
- the "comp.sys.mac.digest" Usenet group. To get on the mailing list,
- send a message to the address "mac-recent-request@mac.archive.umich.edu".
- It'll be a human answering this address, so don't send blank messages
- or single word "help" notes. We like knowing exactly what you want
- us to do.
- Once again, thanks for taking the time to read this introduction note.
- We're working hard to make this one of the most popular archives
- available on the Internet. Let us know if you have any questions,
- comments or ideas. We value your support, and appreciate your feedback.
- Have a groovy time on mac.archive!